
This is the contact page of How to Lose Weight at where you may get in touch with the site author for all inquiries at the following email address:

cook @

A Brief Note About Contact

The author does not wish to be contacted directly and reserves his right to withhold his personal address and telephone number for reasons of privacy. Please respect that privacy!

However, he can be contacted through this page for enquiries regarding this website (and only this website and its content) simply by sending me an email (address above). However, please only do that if it is really necessary!

All emails remain private and will not be published on this site unless specifically requested or the author believes it will benefit readers, where it will be edited to remove all personal details. If a personal reply is desired, please leave a valid email address and a reply, if warranted will be forthcoming via email.

The author reserves the right to reply or not as he sees fit.

Thank you.